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Datasets (tables)

Cloudflare Analytics offers a range of datasets, including both general and product-specific datasets. Datasets use a consistent naming scheme that explicitly identifies the type of data they return:

  • Domain - Each dataset is named after the domain it describes and is associated with a set of nodes. Data nodes are typically named after the domain they represent. Product-specific data nodes incorporate the name of the relevant product, as in loadBalancingRequests. Network Analytics data nodes incorporate the ipFlows label.

  • Aggregated data - Nodes that represent aggregated data include the Groups suffix. For example, the loadBalancingRequestsGroups node represents aggregated data for Load Balancing requests. Aggregated data returns in an array of ...Group objects. If the data represented by a node is aggregated prior to query time, the aggregation period is also specified. For example, requests1mGroups represents data aggregated into a collection of minute-wise roll-up reports.

  • Raw data - Raw data nodes, such as loadBalancingRequests, are not aggregated and so do not incorporate the Groups suffix. Raw data returns in arrays containing objects of the relevant data type. For example, a query to loadBalancingRequests returns an array of LoadBalancingRequest objects.

  • Adaptive Sampling - Nodes that represent data acquired using adaptive sampling incorporate the Adaptive suffix. (For details, refer to Sampling ).

Detailed descriptions of nodes, their structure, and supported queries are available directly from the GraphQL Analytics API via introspection (refer to Get started: Querying basics ). For more on using introspection to ask a GraphQL schema for information about the queries it supports, refer to the GraphQL documentation.

Available datasets

The following datasets (and associated nodes) are available in Cloudflare Analytics:

Dataset (product)Node
Firewall Activity LogfirewallEventsAdaptive firewallEventsAdaptiveByTimeGroups
Firewall AnalyticsfirewallEventsAdaptiveGroups
Health Check AnalyticshealthCheckEventsAdaptive healthCheckEventsAdaptiveGroups
HTTP RequestshttpRequestsAdaptiveGroups httpRequests1mGroups httpRequests1hGroups httpRequests1dGroups
Image Resizing AnalyticsimageResizingRequests1mGroups
Load Balancing AnalyticsloadBalancingRequestsAdaptive loadBalancingRequestsAdaptiveGroups
Magic Firewall AnalyticsmagicFirewallSamplesAdaptiveGroups
Network Analytics v2
for Magic Transit customers
magicTransitNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups dosdNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups dosdAttackAnalyticsGroups flowtrackdNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups magicFirewallNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups
Network Analytics v2
for Spectrum customers
(Enterprise plans only)
spectrumNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups dosdNetworkAnalyticsAdaptiveGroups dosdAttackAnalyticsGroups
SYN Attacks (DoS Analytics)synAvgPps1mGroups
Workers MetricsworkersInvocationsAdaptive

Beta datasets

Beta datasets are available to Enterprise customers for testing and exploration. Do not rely on beta data nodes, since they are subject to change or removal without notice.

Dataset (product)Node
Web AnalyticsrumPageloadEventsAdaptiveGroups rumPerformanceEventsAdaptiveGroups rumWebVitalsEventsAdaptiveGroups

Deprecated data nodes

The following data nodes are deprecated. To avoid disruption, migrate to replacement nodes before the sunset date.

NodeReplacement nodeSunset date
httpRequestsCacheGroupshttpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsMarch 1, 2021
httpRequests1mByColoGroupshttpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsSeptember 1, 2021
httpRequests1dByColoGroupshttpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsSeptember 1, 2021
firewallRulePreviewGroupshttpRequestsAdaptiveGroupsMarch 1, 2021
healthCheckEventshealthCheckEventsAdaptiveMarch 1, 2021
healthCheckEventsGroupshealthCheckEventsAdaptiveGroupsMarch 1, 2021
loadBalancingRequestsloadBalancingRequestsAdaptiveSeptember 30, 2021
loadBalancingRequestsGroupsloadBalancingRequestsAdaptiveGroupsSeptember 30, 2021
March 31, 2022

Working with datasets

Aggregated fields

This example illustrates the structure for Groups:

type WhateverGroup {
count # No subfields, it is just the group size. Not available for roll-up tables.
sum {
# fields that support summing (numbers, maps of numbers)
avg {
# fields that support averaging (numbers)
uniq {
# fields that support uniqueing (numbers, strings, enums, IPs, dates, etc.)

Unique values are not available as a dimension but can be queried as demonstrated in this example:

# Get number of bytes and unique IPs in each minute.
httpRequests1mGroups {
sum {
uniq {
uniques # unique IPs
dimensions {
# Count the number of events in each hour.
firewallEventsAdaptiveGroups {
dimensions {

Schema type definitions

Every exposed table has a GraphQL type definition. Type definitions observe the following rules:

  • Regular fields represent themselves.
  • Every field, including nested fields, has a type and represents a list of that type.
  • The enum type represents an enumerated field.

Here is an example type definition for ContentTypeMapElem:

type ContentTypeMapElem {
edgeResponseContentType: UInt32!
requests: UInt64!
bytes: UInt64!
# An array of httpRequestsGroup is the result of httpRequests1hGroups or
# httpRequests1mGroups query.
type httpRequestsGroup {
date: Date!
timeslot: DateTime!
requests: UInt64!
contentTypeMap: [ContentTypeMapElem!]!
# ... other fields
enum TrustedClientCategory {
# An array of Request is the result of httpRequests query.
type Request {
trustedClientCategory: TrustedClientCategory!
# ... other fields