Querying Magic Firewall Samples with GraphQL
In this example, we are going to use the GraphQL Analytics API to query for Magic Firewall Samples over a specified time period.
The following API call will request Magic Firewall Samples over a one hour period, and output the requested fields. Be sure to replace CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID
with your zone tag and API credentials, and adjust the datetime_geg
and datetime_leq
values to your liking.
API Call
PAYLOAD='{ "query": "query MFWActivity { viewer { accounts(filter: { accountTag: $accountTag }) { magicFirewallSamplesAdaptiveGroups( filter: $filter limit: 10 orderBy: [datetimeFiveMinute_DESC] ) { sum { bits packets } dimensions { datetimeFiveMinute ruleId } } } } }", "variables": { "accountTag": "$CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID", "filter": { "datetime_geq": "2021-04-24T11:00:00Z", "datetime_leq": "2021-04-24T12:00:00Z" } } }'
curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL" \ -H "X-Auth-key: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY" \ --data "$(echo $PAYLOAD)" \ https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql/
The returned values represent the total number of packets and bits received during the five minute interval for a particular rule. The result will be in JSON (as requested), so piping the output to jq
will make it easier to read, like in the following example:
curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL" \ -H "X-Auth-key: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY" \ --data "$(echo $PAYLOAD)" \ https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql/ | jq .
#=> {
#=> "data": {
#=> "viewer": {
#=> "accounts": [
#=> {
#=> "magicFirewallSamplesAdaptiveGroups": [
#=> {
#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 16384 },
#=> dimensions: {
#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:00-00:00',
#=> ruleId: 'bdfa8f8f0ae142b4a70ef15f6160e532'
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> sum: { bits: 360448, packets: 8192 },
#=> dimensions: {
#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:05-00:00',
#=> ruleId: 'bdfa8f8f0ae142b4a70ef15f6160e532'
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 8192 },
#=> dimensions: {
#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:05-00:00',
#=> ruleId: 'bdfa8f8f0ae142b4a70ef15f6160e532'
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> sum: { bits: 360448, packets: 8192 },
#=> dimensions: {
#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:20-00:00',
#=> ruleId: 'bdfa8f8f0ae142b4a70ef15f6160e532'
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> sum: { bits: 327680, packets: 8192 },
#=> dimensions: {
#=> datetimeFiveMinute: '2021-05-12T22:20-00:00',
#=> ruleId: 'bdfa8f8f0ae142b4a70ef15f6160e532'
#=> }
#=> }
#=> ]
#=> }
#=> ]
#=> }
#=> },
#=> "errors": null
#=> }