Querying Workers Metrics with GraphQL
In this example, we are going to use the GraphQL Analytics API to query for Workers Metrics over a specified time period. We can query up to one week of data for dates up to three months ago.
The following API call will request a Worker script’s metrics over a one day period, and output the requested fields. Be sure to replace CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL
with your email and API credentials, and adjust the datetimeStart
, datetimeEnd
, accountTag
, and scriptName
variables as needed.
API Call
PAYLOAD='{ "query": "query GetWorkersAnalytics($accountTag: string, $datetimeStart: string, $datetimeEnd: string, $scriptName: string) { viewer { accounts(filter: {accountTag: $accountTag}) { workersInvocationsAdaptive(limit: 100, filter: { scriptName: $scriptName, datetime_geq: $datetimeStart, datetime_leq: $datetimeEnd }) { sum { subrequests requests errors } quantiles { cpuTimeP50 cpuTimeP99 } dimensions{ datetime scriptName status } } } } }", "variables": { "accountTag": "90f518ca7113dc0a91513972ba243ba5", "datetimeStart": "2020-05-04T00:00:00.000Z", "datetimeEnd": "2020-05-04T00:00:00.000Z", "scriptName": "worker-subrequest-test-client" } }'
curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL" \ -H "X-Auth-key: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY" \ --data "$(echo $PAYLOAD)" \ https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql/
The results returned will be in JSON (as requested), so piping the output to jq
will make them easier to read, like in the following example:
curl \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL" \ -H "X-Auth-key: CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY" \ --data "$(echo $PAYLOAD)" \ https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/graphql/ | jq .
#=> {
#=> "data": {
#=> "viewer": {
#=> "accounts": [
#=> {
#=> "workersInvocationsAdaptive": [
#=> {
#=> "dimensions": {
#=> "datetime": "2020-05-04T18:10:35Z",
#=> "scriptName": "worker-subrequest-test-client",
#=> "status": "success"
#=> },
#=> "quantiles": {
#=> "cpuTimeP50": 206,
#=> "cpuTimeP99": 206
#=> },
#=> "sum": {
#=> "errors": 0,
#=> "requests": 1,
#=> "subrequests": 0
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> "dimensions": {
#=> "datetime": "2020-05-04T18:10:34Z",
#=> "scriptName": "worker-subrequest-test-client",
#=> "status": "success"
#=> },
#=> "quantiles": {
#=> "cpuTimeP50": 291,
#=> "cpuTimeP99": 291
#=> },
#=> "sum": {
#=> "errors": 0,
#=> "requests": 1,
#=> "subrequests": 0
#=> }
#=> },
#=> {
#=> "dimensions": {
#=> "datetime": "2020-05-04T18:10:49Z",
#=> "scriptName": "worker-subrequest-test-client",
#=> "status": "success"
#=> },
#=> "quantiles": {
#=> "cpuTimeP50": 212.5,
#=> "cpuTimeP99": 261.19
#=> },
#=> "sum": {
#=> "errors": 0,
#=> "requests": 4,
#=> "subrequests": 0
#=> }
#=> }
#=> ]
#=> }
#=> ]
#=> }
#=> },
#=> "errors": null
#=> }