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Clientless Web Isolation

Clientless Web Isolation enables users to securely navigate high risk or sensitive websites in a remote browser without transmitting or executing any untrusted website code or sensitive data to the endpoint device.

UI Setup

  1. Log in to the Zero Trust dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Browser Isolation.
  3. Enable Clientless Web Isolation.
  4. Configure permissions.
  5. Navigate to <authdomain>, complete the login and start using Browser Isolation.

Optional configurations

API setup

Clientless Web Isolation is implemented through a prefixed URL.



  • authdomain — Your organization’s Cloudflare Zero Trust team domain.
  • URL (optional) — Target URL to open in a remote browser. This parameter is optional — when not provided, users are presented with a Cloudflare Zero Trust landing page to input a URL or search for a website.


  • Authentication events. User login events are available in Access Audit Logs.
  • HTTP request logs. Traffic from the remote browser to the Internet is logged in Gateway request logs.


  • Integrating with a third-party Secure Web Gateway. Clientless Web Isolation can be integrated with a secure web gateway by implementing a custom block page.
    <!doctype html>
    <title>Redirecting website to a remote browser</title>
    window.location.href = 'https://<authdomain>{{URL}}';
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://<authdomain>{{URL}}" />
    <p>This website is being redirected to a remote browser. Click <a href="https://<authdomain>{{URL}}">here</a> if you are not automatically redirected.</p>