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Sumo Logic

This tutorial explains how to analyze Cloudflare Logs using the Cloudflare App for Sumo Logic.


If you have not used Cloudflare Logs before, refer to the Logs documentation for more details. Contact your Cloudflare Customer Account Team to enable logs for your account.

This tutorial describes how to use Cloudflare Logpush to send logs to AWS S3 and the AWS S3 source collector to get logs into Sumo Logic. To learn how to use Logpush to send logs to AWS S3, refer to the Logpush documentation . Alternatively, you can use Logpull to get logs to your Sumo Logic instance directly and skip Task 1.


Before sending your Cloudflare log data to Sumo Logic, make sure that you:

Task 1 - Send Cloudflare Logs data to Sumo Logic

You can use either Cloudflare Logpush or AWS S3 to send your Cloudflare Logs data to Sumo Logic.

1.1 - Send logs data via Cloudflare Logpush

To enable Cloudflare Logpush in Sumo Logic:

  1. Configure a Hosted Collector.

  2. Configure an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source.

  3. Provide the HTTP Source Address (URL) required by the Cloudflare Logpush API or Cloudflare dashboard UI.

  4. Enable Cloudflare Logpush to Sumo Logic .

1.2 Send log data via AWS S3

To connect AWS S3 to Sumo Logic:

  1. Configure your AWS S3 Source.

  2. Begin collecting Cloudflare logs data.

Task 2 - Filter Workers requests

If you have Cloudflare Workers enabled and want to filter them out from the logs, do the following:

Under Processing Rules for Logs create a Filter (processing rule regex on our Cloudflare collector) to exclude any log data where WorkerSubrequest is true, as illustrated below:

Sumo Logic Processing Rules for Logs page with sample Filter settings

Task 3 - Install the Cloudflare App

To install the Cloudflare App for Sumo Logic:

  1. In the Sumo Logic UI, click App Catalog and search for Cloudflare. Sumo Logic Cloudflare in App Catalog page with Cloudflare in search bar and Cloudflare app

  2. Click Add to Library and specify the Source category Cloudflare, which was completed in Step 1.

You should now be able to see the Cloudflare dashboards populated with your Cloudflare log data.

Task 4 - View the Dashboards

There are nine dashboards to help you analyze Cloudflare logs. You can also use filters within the dashboards to help narrow the analysis by date and time, device type, country, user agent, client IP, hostname, and more, to further help with debugging and tracing.

About the Dashboards

Cloudflare - Snapshot

Get a quick overview of the most important metrics from your websites and applications on the Cloudflare network. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Web Traffic Overview metrics

Cloudflare - Reliability

Get insights on the availability of your websites and Applications. Metrics include origin response error ratio, origin response status over time, percentage of 3xx/4xx/5xx errors over time, and more. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Summary of Edge and Origin Response Status metrics

Cloudflare - Security (Overview)

Get insights on threats to your websites and applications, including number of threats stopped, threats over time, top threat countries, and more. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Security Overview metrics

Cloudflare - Security (WAF)

Get insights on threat identification and mitigation by our Web Application Firewall, including events like SQL injections, XSS, and more. Use this data to fine tune the firewall to target obvious threats and prevent false positives. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Security metrics for WAF

Cloudflare - Security (Rate Limiting)

Get insights on rate limiting protection against denial-of-service attacks, brute-force login attempts, and other types of abusive behavior targeted at your websites or applications. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Security metrics for Rate Limiting

Cloudflare - Security (Bot Management)

Investigate bot activity on your website to prevent content scraping, checkout fraud, spam registration and other malicious activities. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Security metrics for Bot Management

Cloudflare - Performance (Requests, Bandwidth, Cache)

Identify and address performance issues and caching misconfigurations. Metrics include total vs. cached bandwidth, saved bandwidth, total requests, cache ratio, top uncached requests, and more. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Performance metrics for Requests, Bandwidth, and Cache

Cloudflare - Performance (Hostname, Content Type, Request Methods, Connection Type)

Get insights into your most popular hostnames, most requested content types, breakdown of request methods, and connection type. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Performance metrics for Hostname, Content Type, Request Methods, and Connection Type

Cloudflare - Performance (Static vs. Dynamic Content)

Get insights into the performance of your static and dynamic content, including slowest URLs. Sumo Logic dashboard with Cloudflare Snapshot and Performance metrics for Static vs. Dynamic Content


All dashboards have a set of filters that you can apply to the entire dashboard, as shown below.

Click the funnel icon in the top dashboard menu bar to display a scrollable list of filters that are applied across the entire dashboard.

Sumo Logic dashboard menu bar with funnel icon highlighted

Each panel has a set of filters that are applied to the results for that panel only, as shown in the following example. Click the funnel icon in the top panel menu bar to display a list of panel-specific filters.

The default time interval is set to 24 hours. Note that for correct filter calculations, you need to exclude Worker subrequests (WorkerSubrequest = false) and purge requests (ClientRequestMethod is not PURGE).

Available Filters

  • Date (EdgeStartTimestamp)

  • client_country

  • client_device_type

  • client_ip

  • client_request_host

  • client_request_method

  • client_request_uri

  • client_request_user_agent

  • edge_response_status

  • origin_ip

  • origin_response_status

  • ray_id

  • worker_subrequest

Debugging tips

Incomplete dashboards

The Sumo Logic Cloudflare App relies on data from the Cloudflare Enterprise Logs fields outlined below. Depending on which fields you have enabled, certain dashboards might not populate fully.

If that is the case, verify and test the Cloudflare App filters below each dashboard (these filters are the same across all dashboards). You can delete any filters that you don’t need, even if such filters include data fields already contained in your logs.

The available fields are:

  • CacheCacheStatus

  • CacheResponseBytes

  • CacheResponseStatus

  • ClientASN

  • ClientCountry

  • ClientDeviceType

  • ClientIP

  • ClientIPClass

  • ClientRequestBytes

  • ClientRequestHost

  • ClientRequestMethod

  • ClientRequestPath

  • ClientRequestProtocol

  • ClientRequestReferer

  • ClientRequestURI

  • ClientRequestUserAgent

  • ClientSSLCipher

  • ClientSSLProtocol

  • ClientSrcPort

  • EdgeColoCode

  • EdgeColoID

  • EdgeEndTimestamp

  • EdgePathingOp

  • EdgePathingSrc

  • EdgePathi

  • ngStatus

  • EdgeRateLimitAction

  • EdgeRateLimitID

  • EdgeRequestHost

  • EdgeResponseBytes

  • EdgeResponseContentType

  • EdgeResponseStatus

  • EdgeServerIP

  • EdgeStartTimestamp

  • FirewallMatchesActions

  • FirewallMatchesSources

  • FirewallMatchesRuleIDs

  • OriginIP

  • OriginResponseStatus

  • OriginResponseTime

  • OriginSSLProtocol

  • RayID

  • WAFAction

  • WAFFlags

  • WAFMatchedVar

  • WAFProfile

  • WAFRuleID

  • WAFRuleMessage

  • WorkerSubrequest

  • ZoneID