Authentication and authorization
Pub/Sub supports two authentication modes. A broker may allow one or both, but never none as authentication is always required.
Mode | Details |
TOKEN | Accepts a Client ID and a password (represented by a signed JSON Web Token) in the CONNECT packet. The MQTT User Name field is optional. If provided, it must match the Client ID. |
MTLS | Not yet supported. Accepts an mTLS keypair (TLS client credentials) scoped to that broker. Keypairs are issued from a Cloudflare root CA unless otherwise configured. |
MTLS_AND_TOKEN | Not yet supported. Allows clients to use both MTLS and/or Token auth for a broker. |
To generate credentials scoped to a specific broker, you have two options:
- Allow Pub/Sub to generate Client IDs for you.
- Supply a list of Client IDs that Pub/Sub will use to generate tokens.
The recommended and simplest approach if you are starting from scratch is to have Pub/Sub generate Client IDs for you, which ensures they are sufficiently random and that there are not conflicting Client IDs. Duplicate Client IDs can cause issues with clients because only one instance of a Client ID is allowed to connect to a broker.
Generate credentials
To generate a single token for a broker named example-broker
in your-namespace
, issue a request to the Pub/Sub API.
- By default, the API returns one valid
<Client ID, Token>
pair but can return up to 100 per API call to simplify issuance for larger deployments. - You must specify a Topic ACL (Access Control List) for the tokens. This defines what topics clients authenticating with these tokens can PUBLISH or SUBSCRIBE to. Currently, the Topic ACL must be
all topics — finer-grained ACLs are not yet supported.
For example, to generate five valid tokens with an automatically generated Client ID for each token:
# GET /accounts/:account_id/brokers/namespaces/:namespace_name/brokers/:broker_name/credentials
This will return an array of Client IDs and signed JSON Web Tokens. Each Client ID has the name of the broker it is associated with prepended to the token to simplify debugging and troubleshooting:
[ "01G18XKFVJ53DVBNK3KFPH9CX9": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJicm9rZXIiOiJicm9rZXIubmFtZXNwYWNlIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE2MjQyNjIyLCJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjIsImNsaWVudElkIjoiMDFHMThXWEdTRkFOU0VGSEdOQ1E4SFc5QjMiLCJqdGkiOiIwMUcxOFhLRlZKNTNEVkJOSzNLRlBIOUNYOSJ9.qw_GcI5gxvqTabnhYYpvEW_WqSs48IjBSSAp2NAdDkE // four other tokens]
Token claims and metadata
An JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by Pub/Sub will include the following claims.
Claims | Details |
iat | A Unix timestamp representing the token’s creation time. |
exp | A Unix timestamp representing the token’s expiry time. Only included when the JWT has an optional expiry timestamp. |
sub | The “subject” - the MQTT Client Identifier associated with this token. This is the source of truth for the Client ID. If a Client ID is provided in the CONNECT packet, it must match this ID. Clients that do not specify a Client ID in the CONNECT packet will see this Client ID as the “Assigned Client Identifier” in the CONNACK packet when connecting. |
jti | JWT ID. An identifier that uniquely identifies this JWT. Used to distinguish multiple JWTs for the same (broker, clientId) apart, and allows revocation of specific tokens. |
topicAcl | Must be # (matches all topics).In the future, ACLs will allow you to express what topics the client can PUBLISH to, SUBSCRIBE to, or both. |
Revoking Credentials
To revoke a credential, which immediately invalidates it and prevents any clients from connecting with it, issue a POST request to the /revocations
endpoint of the Pub/Sub API with the jti
(unique token identifier) as a query parameter.
This will add the token to a revocation list. When using JWTs, you can revoke the JWT based on its unique jti
claim. To revoke multiple tokens at once, provide a list of token identifiers.
# POST /accounts/:account_id/brokers/namespaces/:namespace_name/brokers/:broker_name/revocations
curl -X POST<abcdef>/brokers/namespaces/your-namespace/brokers/example-broker/revocations?jti=01G18XX6VC9ZEYZQ7AYD5D5TVP,01G18XXDR6JG9VTB605VQKPQZ2# Will return a HTTP 200 - OK
You can also list all currently revoked tokens by making a GET request to the /revocations
endpoint, or unrevoke a token by issuing a DELETE request to the /revocations
endpoint with the jti
as a query parameter.
Credential Lifetime and Expiration
By default, per-broker credentials do not expire, in order to simplify credential management.
We strongly recommend setting a per-broker expiration configuration via the Expiration field, which will implicitly set an expiration timestamp for all credentials generated for that broker via the exp
JWT claim. Using short-lived credentials – for example, 7 to 30 days – with an automatic rotation policy can reduce the risk of credential compromise and the need to actively revoke credentials after-the-fact.
You can use Pub/Sub itself to issue fresh credentials to clients using Cron Triggers or a separate HTTP endpoint that clients can use to refresh their local token store.
Authorization and Access Control
In order to limit what topics a client can PUBLISH or SUBSCRIBE to, you can define an ACL (Access Control List). Topic ACLs are defined in the signed credentials issued to a client and determined when the client connects.