Phases list
Network layer
Network-layer phases apply to received packets at the edge.
Phase name | Used in product/feature |
ddos_l4 | Network-layer DDoS Attack Protection |
magic_transit | Magic Firewall |
Application layer
Application-layer phases apply to received requests at the edge.
Request phases
The phases execute in the order they appear in the table.
Phase name | Used in product/feature |
http_request_sanitize | URL normalization |
http_request_transform | URL Rewrite Rules |
ddos_l7 * | HTTP DDoS Attack Protection |
http_request_firewall_custom | Web Application Firewall (WAF) |
http_ratelimit | Rate limiting rules |
http_request_firewall_managed | Web Application Firewall (WAF) |
http_request_sbfm | Super Bot Fight Mode |
http_request_redirect | Bulk Redirects |
N/A (internal phase) | Managed Transforms |
http_request_late_transform | HTTP Request Header Modification Rules |
* This phase is for configuration purposes only — the corresponding rules will not be executed at this stage in the request handling process.
Response phases
The phases execute in the order they appear in the table.
Phase name | Used in product/feature |
N/A (internal phase) | Managed Transforms |
http_response_headers_transform | HTTP Response Header Modification Rules |
http_response_firewall_managed | Cloudflare Sensitive Data Detection (Data Loss Prevention) |
http_log_custom_fields | Logpush custom fields |