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Browser compatibility

Cloudflare attempts to provide compatibility for as wide a range of user agents (browsers, API clients, etc.) as possible. The specific set of supported browsers differs by SSL product, however. See below for specific details.

Universal SSL

Feature/Zone PlanFreeProBusinessEnterprise
Clients using ECDSA key exchange
Clients using RSA key exchange

Free plan

Universal SSL certificates issued for Free plan zones require user agents that send Server Name Indication (SNI) and support the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). SNI and ECDSA certificates work with these modern browsers:

Desktop Browsers installed on Windows Vista or OS X 10.6 or later:

  • Internet Explorer 7
  • Firefox 2
  • Opera 8 (with TLS 1.1 enabled)
  • Google Chrome v5.0.342.0
  • Safari 2.1
  • Mobile Browsers

Mobile Safari for iOS 4.0:

  • Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) and later
  • Windows Phone 7

Paid plans provide additional compatibility with older browsers/operating systems, such as Windows XP and Android 3.0 and earlier.

Other products

Feature/ProductCustom (Legacy IP)Custom CertificatesAdvanced CertificatesSSL for SaaS
Clients using ECDSA key exchange
Clients using RSA key exchange
Clients without SNI