Customize a waiting room
A waiting room can be customized from the dashboard or via API.
Customize a waiting room from the dashboard
To design and preview the appearance of a waiting room, select the Customization tab in the Create Waiting Room page.
Cloudflare offers options to customize the appearance of your waiting room:
- Default waiting room : An unbranded waiting room that displays an estimated waiting time to visitors.
- Custom waiting room
: Edit template text or create your own HTML code:
- Customize both HTML or CSS content, including fonts, colors, static images, additional languages and more.
- Edit content directly in the dashboard or import relevant files.
- Support mobile app traffic : Toggle to also enable a JSON response with a user’s status in the waiting room.
Default waiting room
To choose the default, unbranded waiting room:
- Select a waiting room.
- Go to the Customization step.
- Click Default Waiting Room.
Custom waiting room
To customize a waiting room:
- Select a waiting room.
- Go to the Customization step.
- Click Custom Waiting Room.
You can edit the HTML code directly in the text box:
- Click Download Template to download a HTML file containing the default template content to your computer.
- Click Download to download a HTML file containing the text box content to your computer.
- Click Copy to copy the text from the text box to your clipboard, then paste it into an editor of your choice.
The template text contains code to display the wait time . If you want to display the estimated wait time to visitors, do not delete this content.
Upload an HTML file
- Click Import to upload a HTML file from your computer.
- Select the file in the dialog and click Open.
Make further edits in the text box. Include the code to display the wait time to display the estimated queue time on the waiting room page or create your own custom page using available variables .
Display wait time
The following content in the <main>
section of the template HTML code displays the wait time:
<h2 id="time-remaining"> <noscript> {{#waitTimeKnown}}Your estimated wait time is {{waitTimeFormatted}}...{{/waitTimeKnown}} {{^waitTimeKnown}}{{#queueIsFull}}The estimated wait time is greater than a day. You will automatically be placed in the queue once space is available.{{/queueIsFull}} {{^queueIsFull}}Your estimated wait time is unavailable.{{/queueIsFull}}{{/waitTimeKnown}} </noscript>
The following script within the <body>
section after <main>
fetches the wait time:
<script type="text/javascript"> var remainingEl = document.getElementById('time-remaining'); var waitTime = {{waitTime}}; var waitTimeKnown = {{waitTimeKnown}};
var remainingString = 'Your estimated wait time is ';
if (!waitTimeKnown) { remainingString += 'unavailable.' } else { if (waitTime === 1) { remainingString += waitTime + ' minute...'; } else { remainingString += waitTime + ' minutes...'; } }
remainingEl.innerText = remainingString;
Available variables
When you create a waiting room with custom HTML, you can have access to several variables to customize your response. For a full list of variables, refer to the json_response_enabled
parameter in the Cloudflare API docs.
Multiple-language support
Customize your waiting room to display in any language supported by the UTF-8 character set. Additionally, all variables support internationalization except for waitTimeFormatted (English only).
Resource hosting
If you are using images or other resources for your customized waiting room, do not host those assets on the hostname covered by your waiting room. Otherwise, any requests for these assets will not be able to pass through the waiting room.
Preview waiting room
To preview the appearance of a waiting room:
- In your application, go to Traffic > Waiting Rooms.
- Either create a waiting room or edit an existing one .
- Go to the Review step.
- Click Preview Waiting Room:
- Choose Queueing to display the waiting room appearance when it is enabled on the dashboard and Queue all is not enabled.
- Choose Queue All to display the waiting room appearance when it is enabled on the dashboard and Queue all is enabled. When Queue all is enabled for a waiting room, the estimated wait time is not displayed.
If you see something unexpected when previewing your waiting room, review your custom code for proper syntax. Often, you might forget to close each tag with its appropriate closing tag (the tag name with a /
Customize a waiting room via API
You can use the Waiting Room API to customize the web page served to visitors when they are placed in a virtual waiting room.
In the following PATCH
request, the custom_page_html
field contains the HTML code for the customized waiting room
curl -X PATCH "{zone-id}/waiting_rooms/{waiting-room-id}" -H "X-Auth-Email:" -H "X-Auth-Key: xxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"custom_page_html":"<p>Include custom HTML here</p>"}'
{ "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [], "result": [ { "id": "1111111111111111111111", "name": "webshop-waiting-room", "description": "Waiting room for webshop", "host": "", "path": "/shop", "suspended": false, "queue_all": false, "new_users_per_minute": 200, "total_active_users": 300, "session_duration": 1, "disable_session_renewal": false, "json_response_enabled": false, "queueing_method": "FIFO", "cookie_attributes": { "samesite": "auto", "secure": "auto" }, "custom_page_html": "<p>Include custom HTML here</p>", "created_on": "2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z", "modified_on": "2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z" } ]
Preview the HTML code for a customized waiting room
Before making an API request to configure a waiting room web page with customized HTML, you can preview your custom HTML by uploading it to a preview endpoint:
In the request body, include the customized HTML content in the custom_html
{ "custom_html": "<p>Include custom HTML here</p>"}
Note that you pass HTML content to the preview endpoint in the custom_html
field, but when you are using the API to configure a waiting room, you pass the HTML content in the custom_page_html
Example request:
curl -X POST "{zone-id}/waiting_rooms/preview" -H "X-Auth-Email:" -H "X-Auth-Key: xxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"custom_html":"<p>Include custom HTML here</p>"}'
The preview endpoint returns a temporary URL in the response body where you can preview your custom page:
{ "result": { "preview_url": "" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []
You do not have to have a Cloudflare account to access the preview link, so you can validate the waiting room webpage on multiple devices.
Preview the default or current waiting room web page
After generating a preview URL, use the following endpoint to generate a link to preview the currently configured web page for a waiting room, or the default page if no custom page is configured.
The link in the response displays the content of the custom_page_html
field, rendered with mustache.
Use the optional force_queue
query parameter to preview the waiting room web page when all traffic is force-queued.