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HTTP Basic Authentication

Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema.
* Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema.
* @see
* @see
* A user-id containing a colon (":") character is invalid, as the
* first colon in a user-pass string separates user and password.
const BASIC_USER = 'admin';
const BASIC_PASS = 'admin';
* Receives a HTTP request and replies with a response.
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
async function handleRequest(request) {
const { protocol, pathname } = new URL(request.url);
// In the case of a Basic authentication, the exchange
// MUST happen over an HTTPS (TLS) connection to be secure.
if ('https:' !== protocol || 'https' !== request.headers.get('x-forwarded-proto')) {
throw new BadRequestException('Please use a HTTPS connection.');
switch (pathname) {
case '/':
return new Response('Anyone can access the homepage.');
case '/logout':
// Invalidate the "Authorization" header by returning a HTTP 401.
// We do not send a "WWW-Authenticate" header, as this would trigger
// a popup in the browser, immediately asking for credentials again.
return new Response('Logged out.', { status: 401 });
case '/admin': {
// The "Authorization" header is sent when authenticated.
if (request.headers.has('Authorization')) {
// Throws exception when authorization fails.
const { user, pass } = basicAuthentication(request);
verifyCredentials(user, pass);
// Only returns this response when no exception is thrown.
return new Response('You have private access.', {
status: 200,
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-store',
// Not authenticated.
return new Response('You need to login.', {
status: 401,
headers: {
// Prompts the user for credentials.
'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="my scope", charset="UTF-8"',
case '/favicon.ico':
case '/robots.txt':
return new Response(null, { status: 204 });
return new Response('Not Found.', { status: 404 });
* Throws exception on verification failure.
* @param {string} user
* @param {string} pass
* @throws {UnauthorizedException}
function verifyCredentials(user, pass) {
if (BASIC_USER !== user) {
throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid username.');
if (BASIC_PASS !== pass) {
throw new UnauthorizedException('Invalid password.');
* Parse HTTP Basic Authorization value.
* @param {Request} request
* @throws {BadRequestException}
* @returns {{ user: string, pass: string }}
function basicAuthentication(request) {
const Authorization = request.headers.get('Authorization');
const [scheme, encoded] = Authorization.split(' ');
// The Authorization header must start with Basic, followed by a space.
if (!encoded || scheme !== 'Basic') {
throw new BadRequestException('Malformed authorization header.');
// Decodes the base64 value and performs unicode normalization.
// @see (and #section-4.2.2)
// @see
const buffer = Uint8Array.from(atob(encoded), character => character.charCodeAt(0));
const decoded = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer).normalize();
// The username & password are split by the first colon.
//=> example: "username:password"
const index = decoded.indexOf(':');
// The user & password are split by the first colon and MUST NOT contain control characters.
// @see (=> "CTL = %x00-1F / %x7F")
if (index === -1 || /[\0-\x1F\x7F]/.test(decoded)) {
throw new BadRequestException('Invalid authorization value.');
return {
user: decoded.substring(0, index),
pass: decoded.substring(index + 1),
function UnauthorizedException(reason) {
this.status = 401;
this.statusText = 'Unauthorized';
this.reason = reason;
function BadRequestException(reason) {
this.status = 400;
this.statusText = 'Bad Request';
this.reason = reason;
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
handleRequest(event.request).catch(err => {
const message = err.reason || err.stack || 'Unknown Error';
return new Response(message, {
status: err.status || 500,
statusText: err.statusText || null,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8',
// Disables caching by default.
'Cache-Control': 'no-store',
// Returns the "Content-Length" header for HTTP HEAD requests.
'Content-Length': message.length,