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Bulk redirects

Redirect requests to certain URLs based on a mapped object to the request's URL.
const externalHostname = '';
const redirectMap = new Map([
['/bulk1', 'https://' + externalHostname + '/redirect2'],
['/bulk2', 'https://' + externalHostname + '/redirect3'],
['/bulk3', 'https://' + externalHostname + '/redirect4'],
['/bulk4', ''],
async function handleRequest(request) {
const requestURL = new URL(request.url);
const path = requestURL.pathname.split('/redirect')[1];
const location = redirectMap.get(path);
if (location) {
return Response.redirect(location, 301);
// If request not in map, return the original request
return fetch(request);
addEventListener('fetch', async event => {